Monday, January 23, 2006

You Better Run, Forrest

Since Jerry Crab refuses to write about running, I'll fill the void.

The 10-miler is coming up in 10 weeks and I'm half way there. Over the weekend, I ran five miles on Saturday and three miles on Sunday. I did both runs in decent times. I should feel good, right?

I don't. I hate running. I suck at it. And, every time I do it I feel like ass.

I don't know why I'm so obsessed with it. Despite how much I hate it, I'm determined to run a marathon after I do the 10-miler. That's right. The elusive 26.2 miles. It's silly. It most likely won't happen. I guess I want to prove that it's good for me and, eventually, I'll get better at it.

But, I'm not. I'm still slow, ache for days, can't sleep at night and want to kick Forrest Gump in the shins.


Blogger sweetassgrandma said...

Thanks for the advice...I'll try the medicine ball.

I ran 10 miles last summer while training (alone) for the Richmond Marathon...Once I hit 10 miles, I felt I had gone far enough and quit. So, I know I can make the 10 miles...But, I'd like to do it in under 5 hours.

1:57 PM  

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